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Homework and Independent Study
Our approach to homework
We believe our students need to complete regular homework because of the successful study habits it enables them to build over time. In Year 7, we want them to develop the routine of daily reading and doing a small amount of independent study every day, as well as the habits of organising their workload and meeting deadlines. We then increase the demands steadily each year, so that by the time they are taking GCSE courses, they are able to work effectively and independently for the longer periods of time which are required.
For homework to be given consistently, it needs to be time-efficient for teachers to set, monitor and give feedback on. Setting too many tasks that have to be checked by teachers in lessons eats into teaching time. This is why many subjects now use online quizzing programmes. It makes it easy for students to engage in retrieval practice (the most effective form of studying) and get prompt feedback on their level of understanding, and for teachers to be able to identify and correct misunderstandings across the class in a more timely and efficient way. This is supported with other activities which allow students to practise applying their knowledge and skills as appropriate for the subject.
Homework expectations
Please view the linked documents for an overview of the homework and independent study expectations for each year group. They each cover:
What is the homework for each subject
How often it is set
Where it is set
How long it should take
Why this is set, what its purpose is, and how students get feedback
Year 7 Homework and Independent Study Expectations
Year 8 Homework and Independent Study Expectations
Year 9 Homework and Independent Study Expectations
Year 10 Homework and Independent Study Expectations
Year 11 Homework and Independent Study Expectations
Year 10 and 11 Optional Subjects Homework and Independent Study Expectations
Frequently asked questions
How can I see what homework my child is being set?
What is your advice about how students can study effectively at home, especially when preparing for GCSE exams in Year 9, 10 and 11?
What support can my child get in school with homework?
What happens if my child doesn’t do their homework?
Why don’t you give students a homework diary or use Show My Homework?
I’ve paid for a study guide but my child hasn’t received it - what should I do?
Who should I speak to if I want to discuss an issue to do with homework?
Please read the answers to our FAQs about homework and independent study here.
Homework and Independent Study FAQs
Effective independent study strategies:
What is most important is that students engage in spaced practice and retrieval practice when they are studying at home. We teach students about how and why to do this throughout their time at EGA, in assemblies, tutor times, lessons and workshops. This is explained in the FAQs, with links to useful videos and websites for parents and carers.
We support students in Year 9, 10 and 11 to complete independent study timetables. You can download a blank independent study timetable to use with your child here.
Independent Study Plan Blank Timetable
We run sessions for parents and carers on how to support their child with studying at home.